The cause of a mild stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is basically the same as a stroke in general. This condition occurs due to reduced blood supply to the brain due to blood clots that block the blood vessels of the brain. Want to know what factors can increase a person's risk of having a mild stroke? Let's look at the following review! In the case of TIA, blockage of blood flow occurs only briefly and the blood supply will return to normal before there is damage to the brain. This is why, mild stroke symptoms that appear only last a few minutes to several hours. The blockage is usually caused by a blood clot or plaque (atherosclerosis) that blocks blood flow to the brain. Apart from plaque or blood clots, blockage of cerebral blood flow can also occur due to air bubbles or air embolism in brain blood vessels. Although it can improve by itself, this mild stroke still needs medical treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated, a mild stroke can potentially cau...